Empower Your Post-Divorce Healing Journey

Hey, girl. Do you feel like you're drowning in self-doubt? Are you ready to take your power back and kick your inner-critic to the curb?

Inside this guide, you'll discover powerful strategies to boost your self-esteem, embrace acceptance, and gain crystal-clear clarity on your next steps.

I understand firsthand the emotional shitstorm that comes with divorce – the fear, stress, and the overwhelming journey of starting over. That's why I've created this guide: to kickstart your healing so you can reclaim your happiness.

Remember, every ending is a fresh start. Every tear, every lesson – they're all reshaping you into the resilient woman you were meant to be.

Don't wait. Dive into the guide, take that first step toward healing, and let's rewrite your story together.


Divorced AF:

3 Essential Steps to Healing After Divorce

Inside, You'll Find 3 Proven Tools To Help You:

Find Acceptance

Struggling to move on? Say goodbye to those nagging "what ifs" and "if onlys." Discover how to confidently embrace your new normal with proven strategies to let go of the past and step boldly into your future. Learn how to navigate through the toughest moments, find inner peace, and pave the way for a future that fills you with hope and excitement.

Rebuild Your Self-Esteem

Uncover proven techniques to boost your self-esteem and take ownership of your inner narrative. Learn how to release thoughts that keep you stuck, like 'I'm not good enough,' 'Am I being selfish?,' and 'Will this divorce screw up my kids?,' so you can reclaim your confidence and stand tall in your worth.

Gain Clarity

Your divorce marks an ending, but it's also the beginning of a new story. Who do you want to be in your next chapter? What do you truly desire? Discover the blueprint for mapping out your path and manifesting the life you deserve. Get ready to embark on your epic comeback journey!

💫 BONUS! 💫

Get exclusive access to my Divorce Detox Guide, filled with curated recommendations of empowering books and podcasts to support your journey of healing and growth after divorce.

Ready to take the first step towards healing and (finally) moving on?

Dive in and download your free guide today!

The Woman Behind the Guide


Welcome! I'm Leah, the heart and soul behind Mindfully Ready. As a mom and a coach who has navigated divorce not once, but twice, I truly understand the journey you're on.

My mission goes beyond support; it's about empowering you to reframe your divorce as an opportunity to embrace the lessons learned, and find peace and acceptance.

By focusing on the relationship you have with yourself, you will create an amazing new future that you can feel hopeful and excited about. It's time to rediscover who the f*ck you are, unleash your potential, and create the life you've always dreamed of. Let's embark on this journey together.

Love + Support,

Leah Marie

Certified Divorce Recovery Coach


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